Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Sun 5-24-2009 Don't Be So Republican !

Sun 5-24-2009 Don't Be So Republican !

My brother and I like to argue about politics when we talk on the phone. He likes to try and explain to me how everything George W. Bush did was in our best interest and how Obama was screwing things up even before he was in office by the simple fact of his Democratness. He is quick to point out that every good idea was and always will be a Republican idea and that any good idea a Democrat comes up with is just something the Republican party forgot to lay claim to before they realized it was a good idea.

I counter by pointing out that a good amount of Republicans have been involved in scandals in the last few years. He makes the case that they were seen as Republicans only because the Republicans didn't have enough time to distance themselves and lay the groundwork for deniability before the bad news made it into the widespread media. That's the problem, my wizened older brother says, with the media in general. They're too busy publishing bad coverage of Republicans or promoting Democratic falsehoods to really tell the truth that the Republican Party wants the public to know (when it revises history to make itself look better in hindsight).

We agree on one thing - each of us is always right and has never had to admit we were wrong about anything. Denying that what you've said is inaccurate or comes from a biased viewpoint is a winning strategy and is usually best presented by following the other person's parlay with, "yeah, that's what I'm saying !"

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